Thursday, July 12, 2012

Acceptance/Materials ETC!!!

Well we've officially been accepted into the k12 program! We are now waiting on our materials to arrive. I have to admit looking at the materials list I'm a bit excited to receive it. Magnetic boards, dry erase boards.. a chalk board - Ohh I'm back to my childhood days of playing "school" - cept now its real!
My little guy and myself have decided to get a bit of a jump start today, and did "school" for about 2 hours today. Practicing our numbers and letters, and learning to recognize them.
Its a bit more challenging then I originally thought it would be. We've been teaching our boys since birth, and have all the basics down - eye ears nose, ABCs, Counting etc, but sitting down and actually doing school is a bit different.
He tends to zone out or just seem uninterested in actually learning, but I think we've made pretty good progress today!
I'm very excited about this new journey we are going to be embarking on. I always knew I was going to homeschool my children.
I was home taught from 9th-12th grades, and I was very grateful to do it. I loved it compared to "real" school! I got to learn so much more, and I had a real desire to learn, which I didn't have in regular school.
I just hope through the years he's as enthusiastic about it. I hope I'm not making a mistake.. Anybody else out there worry about that?
Like that he won't get to experience a regular life? Won't learn proper social skills, won't know some of the simple joys of childhood (Like the first day of summer vacation- The feeling of pure freedom and joy!).
I guess we'll just figure it all out as we go. If he decides at some point this isn't good for him anymore then I will have no issues enrolling him in regular school, but for now I think this is the best route so we'll see where it takes us!
Now to continue waiting for those materials to arrive....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

So... Here I am! Today I started the process. My eldest son is going to be turning 5 in September and its time to get him officially enrolled in Kindergarten. 
My husband and I talked it over and we decided to use the "K12" program. Which basically enrolls your child in homeschool public school.
I filled out all of the information on the website and printed out the other required paperwork to fill out. We have to go up to Cleveland (We're in Mansfield now) to get his official birth certificate (Never needed it until now!). I also had to write up our philosophical exemption for vaccines. (We don't believe in its effectiveness or safety when it comes to our children's health.)
So we just need to get the certificate and we are all set!

Has anyone else here ever used the K12 program? Or the public school for homeschooling? 
I'd be very interested in learning your thoughts on whats the best programs or ways in which you homeschool your children.